Moored Boat II – Pirovac

Year: 2011.
Dimensions: 42 × 61 cm
Orientation: Portrait
Framed: Yes
About: ,

This is a meditation on the quiet beauty of everyday moments. It captures the essence of coastal life, where the simple act of mooring a boat becomes a symbol of stability and perseverance. Through this work, Bašić Šoto invites the viewer to pause and appreciate the timeless, enduring beauty of the Dalmatian coast.


The scene is dominated by a serene expanse of water, its surface smooth and reflective, blending seamlessly with the soft, misty hues of the distant hills. The tranquil atmosphere is almost palpable, inviting a moment of introspection.


The boat, modest and functional, rests gently in the water. Painted white with a green interior, it speaks of countless journeys, each etched into its worn hull. The rope that tethers it to the dock is taut, yet there is a sense of calm and stability. The boat’s reflection in the still water adds a layer of depth and tranquility to the scene, enhancing the peaceful ambiance.


The dock, composed of rough stones and earthy tones, mirrors the hard, rugged life of the fishermen who rely on these boats. The simplicity of the scene is punctuated by a few scattered rocks and an old, weathered mooring post. This post, with its rusty hooks and frayed ropes, stands as a testament to the passage of time and the enduring connection between land and sea.


Bašić Šoto’s brushwork is delicate yet precise, capturing the subtle interplay of light and shadow. The muted palette, dominated by soft blues and greens, enhances the sense of calm and serenity. The distant hills, shrouded in a gentle haze, create a sense of infinite space, while the boat and dock ground the viewer in the reality of daily life.