Boat on the dock

Year: 2011.
Dimensions: 60 × 51 cm
Orientation: Landscape
Framed: Yes
About: ,

In Šoto’s hands, the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Boats, docks, and distant horizons transform into symbols of escape, freedom, and infinite possibility. His style speaks in whispers, inviting viewers to pause, reflect, and immerse themselves in the timeless beauty and quiet strength of the sea. Each painting is not just a scene but a doorway to a deeper, more introspective journey, where the vastness of the ocean mirrors the boundless realms of the human spirit.


In this painting, the serene expanse of the sea is juxtaposed with the rugged texture of the rocky shore. The boat itself, with its weathered wood and simple lines, exudes a sense of age and history. It speaks of countless voyages, enduring the elements and the passage of time. Yet, there are hints of modernity subtly integrated into this timeless vessel. A lamp, attached to the boat, suggests the adaptation to nighttime navigation or fishing. An engine, partially hidden beneath a white cloth, hints at the blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary convenience.


The contrast between land and sea is striking. The rocky shore, depicted with rough, earthy tones, stands firm and unyielding, a testament to nature’s raw, untamed beauty. In contrast, the sea stretches out in smooth, calming blues, its surface barely disturbed by gentle ripples. The horizon, where the sky meets the sea, is a thin, almost imperceptible line, emphasizing the vast, boundless nature of the ocean.


Bašić Šoto’s brushwork captures these contrasts beautifully. The textures of the rocks are rendered with meticulous detail, each crevice and shadow adding depth to the composition. The water, painted with broad, fluid strokes, reflects the soft light of the sky, creating a mirror-like effect that enhances the tranquility of the scene.