Small Boat – Pirovac

Year: 2011.
Dimensions: 61 × 43 cm
Orientation: Landscape
Framed: No
About: ,

Vladimir Bašić Šoto’s painting captures the quiet, enduring life of a coastal community, symbolized by a modest boat tethered to a rough stone pier. The calm water and misty horizon create a serene, contemplative scene that speaks to the simplicity and beauty of this way of life. The boat, painted in white with a green interior, rests quietly, its reflection shimmering softly in the gentle ripples. This peaceful setting is characteristic of the Dalmatian coast, where the rhythms of daily life are deeply intertwined with the sea.


The muted tones of the rolling hills blend seamlessly with the grey sky, enhancing the overall sense of tranquility that pervades the painting. A lone wooden post with a rope wrapped around it, along with the lush green shoreline, adds subtle hints of color and life to the otherwise subdued palette. This natural harmony reflects the timeless connection between the coastal inhabitants and their environment. The landscape in the background is subdued, with the hills fading into the misty horizon, creating a harmonious backdrop that enhances the tranquility of the scene.


The stony pier, constructed from roughly hewn rocks, provides a sturdy mooring point for the boat, grounding it in the scene and anchoring it firmly to the earth. The pier and the boat together symbolize the resilience and practicality of coastal life, where every element serves a purpose. The smooth surface of the water and the diffused light combine to create a peaceful, evocative atmosphere that celebrates the enduring connection between land and sea. The texture of the rocks, the soft, diffused light, and the gentle ripples on the water all work together to create a scene that is both peaceful and evocative, capturing the essence of life along the Dalmatian coast.